Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Someday . . .

So, the subtitle of this blog might be a tad misleading. Since we purchased it in 2007, the "hobby farm" is little more than 30 acres of wildflowers, oak trees, some old unused corrals and a broken windmill. My husband and I live here happily with our two daughters, my parents, our 6 rescued dogs (yes, 6!) and a porch cat. I have a good job that helps to pay the mortgage and feed the babies, but my dream is to someday find a way to use our property to make a profit or, at the very least, to offset some of our day-to-day living expenses.

In my idyllic dream I would:

-Have lots of chickens to eat bugs and provide eggs (they would, of course, never be harassed by bobcats, coyotes, hawks, etc.)
-Have cows to eat our grass and to provide milk (plus the knowledge and equipment needed to do so)
-Have a well-appointed vegetable garden and fruit trees to provide some sort of year-round nourishment for our family
-And lastly, since this is purely fantastical, a small bee-keeping operation to provide whatever a well-established bee-keeping operation provides. But mostly because bees are just cool.

The only problem: I haven't the foggiest idea of how to do any of that at the moment, not to mention the complete lack of resources.

I'm hoping that with a lot of hard work and a lot of imagination, a scaled-down, realistic version of all of this will someday be possible.